this article Graham Baxter, G8OAD and Steve Smith, G8LMX
explain some fundamentals of quartz crystal temperature
turning points and describe how they fine tuned their
Z3801A oven oscillators. They adjusted the oven operating
temperature to closely match the inherent temperature
turning point of the quartz oscillator. Careful measurements
and patience can pay off in improved crystal oscillator
was fortunate with his Z3801A. It was one of the comparatively
few units whose clock oscillator was well behaved, and was eventually
able to settle with a predicted uncertainty of around 300 ns.
Steve had one which seemed less stable. As was reported
previously, the problem moved with the oscillator, so it
was determined that there was a fundamental difference between
them. To explore this without damaging his good oscillator,
Graham bought a second Z3801A which was known to be less stable.
Steve had dismantled his and examined it several times but had
reached no firm conclusions.
the problems seemed to be temperature related, we wondered if
the inner oven temperature was not correctly set to the turning
point of the system.
an explanation we need to look at the graph of Figure 1 which
is frequency versus temperature for an SC cut crystal. It is
in the form of a cubic with two points of inflection. The lower
temperature, or "lower turning point" is a frequency
maximum. The upper turning point is a frequency minimum. If
the temperature can be placed exactly on a turning point, then
the temperature coefficient of frequency will be zero. This
means that for very small perturbations of temperature, there
will be no change in frequency. This is an ideal that cannot
be completely realized, since the crystal is also sensitive
to temperature gradients, and it also exhibits some hysteresis.
However, these effects are minimized in the case of the SC cut
crystal compared to the AT cut.

upper turning point is most commonly used for an AT cut crystal,
where it can be typically arranged to occur at 65 - 85 degrees.
However, the upper turning point for an SC cut crystal often
is too hot for reliable use in an oven, so the lower turning
point is usually chosen. To find the correct temperature, one
simply has to adjust it for a frequency maximum. It sounds easy,
but keep in mind that we are aiming for a precision of a few
inner oven temperature bridge
temperature controller of the 10811 has a bridge, which comprises
three precision resistors and a thermistor that changes resistance
according to temperature. The thermistor is embedded within
the inner oven, but the component wire leads are accessible.
There is a 'select on test' resistor, whose value is chosen
in accordance with the temperature that is marked on the crystal.
However, this assumes that the crystal was correctly marked
when new, that the turning temperature has not changed, and
that the turning temperature of the assembled oscillator is
identical to that of the crystal alone. We decided to ignore
the markings on the crystals and start from scratch.
Z3801A inner oven temperature bridge
first step must be to accurately measure the bridge resistors.
If any resistors have drifted from their marked values they
must be replaced, otherwise they will continue to drift. Fortunately,
our resistors seemed beyond reproach.
procedure was to bring test leads to the outside of the double
oven so that the bridge temperature could be varied at will.
This had to be done with some care. We decided to use a length
of the very lightweight twin screened cable of the kind used
for tape head connections.
The 'lower' end of the thermistor, and the lower resistor on
the opposing side of the bridge were disconnected and carefully
connected to the two inner wires of the screened cable. The
braid was connected to the original common point of the thermistor
and the resistor as shown in Figure 3.
A note was made regarding which color conductor was connected
to the thermistor. A small hole was drilled in the oven casing
and the lead was passed through. The inner oven was then reassembled.
The reasons for doing this were:
did not know in advance which way the temperature needed
to be moved.
By introducing identical wiring into both halves of the
bridge, the effects of the cable resistance, temperature
coefficient, and any thermal e.m.f. would tend to cancel.
braid would be connected to the negative supply, which
is at RF ground.
note was made regarding which color conductor was connected
to the thermistor. A small hole was drilled in the oven casing
and the lead was passed through. The inner oven was then reassembled.
Z3801A oven temperature bridge with
external wiring
manufacture the connecting leads to the inner oven are passed
twice around the inner oven. They are then routed through the
outer oven and twice around that as well. This was done to minimize
the effect of thermal shocks traveling down the copper. We considered
it was important to replicate this technique with the routing
of the screened lead, so it was dressed to follow a similar
The outer oven was reassembled so we now had clock assemblies
with just an extra twin screened wire. If the two inner wires
are connected to the braid, the system will work as before.
For the next stage you need a resistor substitution box, or
a precision low-value multi-turn pot and a selection of high
stability resistors. Arbitrarily choose an inner core and connect
it to the resistor substitution system. Connect the braid and
the unused inner wire to the other end of the resistor system.
Start with the resistor set to zero and allow the system to
stabilize for a few days.
task of finding the turning point is made much easier if you
have a second frequency standard with good short-term stability.
It is possible without one, but it is a very tedious task.
procedure we followed was:
Put the Z3801A into holdover and let it recover
from the initial disturbance for about 20 minutes.
Compare the frequency of the Z3801A with that
of your secondary standard. One way is to externally
trigger your oscilloscope from the standard oscillator
and watch the Z3801A signal drift. We used a phase
meter and a data logging system to plot graphs.
Introduce some resistance of about 100 ohms.
You might see a small transient disturbance, but wait
two minutes and note the effect on the frequency.
If the frequency has fallen, add a further increment
to make absolutely sure. If it continues to fall,
then you are moving away from the turning point. This
means that you chose to start with the wrong wire!
Correct it and allow it to stabilize again.
moving the temperature until the frequency reaches a
maximum and starts to fall.
Make plenty of notes, since one change every ten minutes is
adequate and you may get distracted from your adjustment procedure.
When you have a rough idea of the amount of resistance to be
added, fit a high quality fixed resistor of a value a little
less than the needed value, and then explore again in smaller
increments. The reason for fitting the fixed resistor in series
with the variable one is to avoid having the temperature coefficient
of the resistor box involved in the measurements.
found that Graham's Z3801A needed to go cooler
by the equivalent of an extra 1750 ohms in the resistive side
of the bridge. On the other hand, Steve's oscillator needed
to go hotter by 1880 ohms in series
with the thermistor. In both cases they were in error by several
degrees. It is well worth spending a few weeks tuning the temperature,
ultimately in one-ohm steps. The Z3801A can still be in normal
use apart from the short spells of holdover.
Explore in both directions. Hopefully you will find a value
where an ohm either way makes no difference. In the absence
of a second standard it is just about possible to perform the
adjustments while observing the TI during holdover. However,
there is limited resolution available, and the GPS signal is
not really stable enough in the short term.
you are absolutely convinced that you have found a frequency
maximum, you will need to dismantle the oscillator once more
and carefully fit a fixed resistor of the exact measured value
into the appropriate position at the lower end of the bridge.
There is no need to allow for the resistance of the cable since
it affected both sides of the bridge equally. Seal the hole
with solder and reassemble. The performance should further improve
once the selected resistor is in the oven.
Be wary of making too large a change of temperature
in one step. The Z3801A monitors the oven health signal,
and if it sees the heater turn full on it flags this
as an error and resets.
(b) Keep your cell phone away from the resistor substitution
(c) We paid a lot of attention to C18. We measured the
leakage current vs temperature for a selection of brand
new film capacitors. We never found one to outperform
the original C18.
I need an 1880 ohm resistor. Now what?

Rather than try to use a high tolerance precision resistor
of .1 per cent or better, you are likely to achieve
results closer to your target value by simply selecting
a resistor from a low tolerance batch. Assuming you
have a reasonable digital ohmmeter, finding your specific
resistor should not be too difficult.
Searching from a group of five per cent resistors is
probably easier than limiting your search to a batch
of one per cent resistors because the 5 per cent batch
will have a tendency to have distributed values. Also,
if you need to add a total of 1880 ohms to the circuit,
using a resistor within plus or minus ten ohms is going
to make a very big improvement to the circuit.
A little patience sorting through some low cost high
stability (carbon or metal film) resistors should yield
a value nearly at your target, and at a cost much less
than using a high tolerance precision value resistor.
Steve Smith reported that he and Graham were able to
find their exact values amongst their 5% high
stability resistors at a cost of only a few pennies
each. With
care, there is room to allow the use of two resistors.
and after GPSCon performance
charts illustrate the benefits of fine tuning the oven
temperature to closely match the turning point of the
quartz oscillator. Obvious improvements in EFC stability
(red trace) and lower overall predicted uncertainty
values (green trace) are shown. On both charts the TI
(blue trace) is the same scale. The reduction in 'noise'
is significant when both charts are compared.
apparent high aging rate of the "after" plot
is due to the receiver being inactive for over four
weeks because of an unrelated fault and not as a consequence
of the temperature tweak. This is why the early aging
rate is so steep in the "after" plot.
performance before adjustment

performance after adjustment

the measurements were made
phase measurement of the rubidium to GPS is done with
a HP 3575A phase meter with its recorder output connected
to a Solartron 7150 GP-IB multimeter. This in turn is
logged by Graham's customized Viewer program which he
has modified to read from an IEEE-488 card in the PC.
This gives a resolution of less than 10 pico seconds.
temperature plots are done with Steve's custom designed
serial interface PIC board, also logged by Graham's
Viewer program, with 10 bits of resolution. Some of
the equipment below is home constructed. Notice Steve's
use of a recycled HP equipment cabinet (bottom in the
photograph) for his rubidium oscillator.

logger is plotting the air temperature of the part of
the room where the frequency standards are located.
It is also plotting the output of a phase meter which
is scaled to display nanoseconds of time difference
between the 10 MHz outputs. The time trace is also differentiated,
filtered and scaled to produce an instantaneous fractional
frequency error.
© 2003-2006 by Graham Baxter, G8OAD and Steve Smith,