wonder what the EFC circuitry in your GPS receiver is like?
In this article, Joe Geller, KO2Y describes his reverse engineering
efforts on the Z3801A DAC and analog circuits that drive the
frequency vernier (Vefc) of the HP 10811 dual oven oscillator.
For a fundamental review, see Joe's discussion
of Z3801A fractional parts.
Z3801A circuitry from the EFC DAC through to the Vefc SMB connector
that connects to the HP 10811 voltage controlled oven oscillator
has been reverse engineered. This part of the receiver can be
divided into two parts, the control of the 16 bit DAC, and the
analog circuitry that follows.
The Z3801A digital firmware develops a 20 bit correction number
(EFC integer) that ultimately controls the HP 10811 dual oven
oscillator tuning via its Vefc input. The integer is truncated
to 16 bits and transferred to a 16 DAC operating between -5
volts and +5 volts.
EFC integer, NEFC, read by the command ":DIAG:ROSC:EFC:ABS?"
ranges from 0 to 220 which is 1,048,576. Typically,
the HP oscillators are tuned over a range of -5 Volts to +5
Volts, and the DAC is observed by measurement to have a positive
Vref of +5V and a negative Vref of -5V.
So, this is going to be an offset scale where 0 = -5 Volts and
1,048,575 = +5 Volts. Note that the full scale integer is always
2N-1 because zero is the first used value.
The equations corresponding to this relationship are:
(NEFC * 9.53675E-06) -5 = VDAC, or
(VDAC +5) / 9.53675E-06 = NEFC
The percent EFC reported by the Z3801A seems to agree with the
above relations:
Here -100% = -5 Volts or EFC integer of 0, and +100% = +5 Volts
= EFC integer of (220)-1. O% = EFC voltage of 0 Volts
or (220-1) - (220/2) = an EFC integer
of (220-1) Now the really odd thing about this scale
is that it is 200% wide! (-100% to +100%)
Here is an an example: The range from 524,288 to 1,048,575 (220-1)
is 0% to + 100% or this range is 1,048,575 -524,288 = 524,287.
By algebraic ratios then ((EFC number - 524,288) / 524,288)*100%
= the EFC % as read by the command ":DIAG:ROSC:EFC:REL?".
Specific Example:
a check I read an EFC number of: 776322
((776,313- 524,288 / 524,288) *100% = 48.0700, and my Z returns
48.0700 %!
Now to check the equation at the end points:
for NEFC of 0: ((0 - 524,288 / 524,288) *100% = -100%
and for NEFC = 220-1: ((1,048,575 - 524,288
/ 524,288) *100% = +100%
This section ends at test point 6 (TP6) on the circuit board.
TP6 is the output of the Analog Devices AD569 16 bit DAC (AD569
Data Sheet). Measuring the Voltage at TP6 and comparing
the measured voltage to the voltage predicted by the equations
above yields the first analog errors. Besides the errors introduced
by your multimeter, there will be additional errors caused by
the DAC and the DAC's positive and negative voltage references.
Assuming your meter is calibrated, it is reasonable to expect
the error to be less than 10 mV, but this number needs to be
refined by careful study of the DAC's specifications and the
voltage reference circuitry.
HP Z3801A

Vefc at the motherboard SMB can be easily viewed by preparing
two jumper cables. I have had good use of an SMB plug to BNC
and an SMB jack to BNC with a BNC "T" view port set between
them. For the severed trace measurements, the DAC was isolated
and the signal was injected at TP6. Be careful making measurements
at TP6 because it is directly connected to the DAC and is not

Z3801A analog EFC circuitry is located between the the EFC DAC
output TP6 and the Vefc SMB connector that connects to the HP
10811 voltage controlled oven oscillator. The DAC output is
then attenuated by a passive divider (.662), buffered and filtered
by a second order low pass filter (-3 dB @ ~.4 Hz) in an AD712
stage (see page 13 of the
AD datasheet at AD's website) and finally offset by 1.25V
at a TI (formerly Burr Brown) INA105 instrumentation amplifier
This is the one
OpAmp 4 resistor configuration integrated into one chip.
That output, isolated in the high side by a 100 ohm resistor,
is fed to the EFC SMB jack on the motherboard.
divider is a passive two resistor divider (refer to the front
end of the schematic). It comprises an 11 kohm series resistor
and a 21.5 kohm resistor to ground. The ratio (gain) is about
.662 for this stage.
range of the 10 MHz HP oscillator is 1 part in 106
(10-6 fractional part), that is 10 Hz (see Note 1). That range
divided by 216 (the combinations available with a
16 bit DAC) yields a change per LSB of about 1.52 x 10-11.
But, by dividing the swing by .662, now each LSB is ~1 x 10-11
in step size! Of course, the trade off is that the control voltage
will now span over less than -5 volts to +5 volts (a 10 volt
graph of the open loop response of Vefc vs. frequency (with
respect to 10 MHz) shows the range and the expected non-linear
response due to the varactor diode. A calculation of the weight
of 1 DAC LSB near where many of our Z3801A receivers operate
yields about 1.1 x 10-11 with a corresponding sensitivity
of about .7 x 10-12 per NEFC count.

The next section of the analog circuitry is a second order filter.
It is very close to the topology of the example given in the
A/D specification sheet (page 13). But, it appears that HP used
two identical capacitors, so it is a slightly lower roll off
than a perfectly configured filter would give (-12 dB / Octave,
or -20 dB / Decade).
The analog circuit from TP6 out was temporarily severed by cutting
a PC board trace to measure the transfer characteristics of
the filter.

First a slow period squarewave was injected to watch the transient
response. This
transient response curve in time corresponds to a -3 dB roll
off at about .4 Hz.

Next, a bode plot was taken one frequency at a time. Here the
traces were approximately matched in amplitude to measure the
phase between them.

Bode plot was then plotted in MS Excel.

the INA105, a single OpAmp instrumentation amplifier, serves
to introduce a +1.25 Volt offset (as pointed out by Brooks).
The output of the INA105, pin 6, is fed by a series 100 ohm
resistor to the Vefc SMB connector that feeds directly into
the hp's Vefc input. Presumably the 100 ohm resistor offers
some short circuit protection. The HP input impedance is very
10811 oscillator achieves frequency vernier control by varying
the reverse bias voltage on a varactor (varicap) diode. The
input side of the HP is a 100 kohm resistor in series with the
varicap, and another 100 khom resistor. The second series resistor
is connected to a shunt zener regulator at 6.4 Volts. So, the
advertised -5 volt to +5 volt Vefc input never forward biases
the varicap.
All things considered, the final equation to go from EFC integer
to Vefc at the SMB connector is:
Vefc = { INT(NEFC/16) x (-1.01 x 10-4)
} + 4.56,
INT(NEFC/16) means divide the EFC integer NEFC
by 16 and discard the fractional part (the results will
be very close if NEFC is simply divided by 16: or
approx: Vefc = [ (NEFC/16) x (-1.0 x 10-4)
] + 4.56). The entire control range is then -2.06 Volts to +4.56
Volts. Individual units will easily vary by up to 10 or 20 mV
because of the errors in the DAC, the Vrefs, and the analog
circuits, including the tolerances of the resistors, particularly
in the divider.
errors in this circuit are not a problem because the system
functions as a closed loop.
thanks to Brooks Shera, W5OJM for reviewing my measurements,
proposed equations, and for pointing out that the attenuation
factor of .662 makes each DAC LSB an even unit of "1" instead
of "1.52" in frequency change, and the 1.25V offset at the INA105.
These are all preliminary results. Any mistakes should be attributed
to me.
to Bill, K8CU for editing my notes and providing this Z3801A
site and forum.
1: Originally I had thought the 10811as used in the Z3801A
had the sensitivity of a standard 10811A, which is a range of
electronic control of 1 part in 107 or 1 Hz. Graham
Baxter, G8OAD pointed out that the double walled oven version
that we use in the Z3801A is not the same. The versions used
in HP instruments have a user accessible coarse
screw adjustment. One can speculate that since the double walled
version doesnt have the coarse adjustment, that the wider
range may have been needed for production units. Or, It may
have had something to do with closed loop and / or tracking
performance. The sensitivity of this block in the closed loop
system is one gain factored into the loop equations. Are there
any HP Z3801A designers out there?
2: 11/26/2003 Tom Van Baak has described his efforts
in measuring the Z3801A efc. Check out his web
page for more information.
feel free to pass on corrections, comments, or to ask questions.
2002-2004 Joe
Geller, KO2Y