50 Ohm
Buffer-Distribution Amplifier
by Steve Smith, G8LMX

50 ohm Distribution Amplifier
50 ohm distribution amplifier is capable
of producing three outputs of 1 volt RMS from an input of 0.5
volt to 1 volt RMS. The boards can be daisy chained together
on the input with the terminator on the last board.
Obviously if input requirements are different, the R1 / VR1
combination would need adjusting.
I designed the circuit around the MAX477
chip as it has a unity gain bandwidth of 300MHz, high output
drive capability, and is relatively inexpensive.
that resistor R4 should remain about 470 ohm if the gain of
the circuit is changed. Also, the outputs are not ground isolated
as in Wolfgang's circuit.
Apart from that it is fairly simple and self explanatory.

Layout Drawing

Circuit Layout

of the amplifier board in a Rubidium standard constructed inside
an old HP counter case.
high resolution circuit files as Adobe PDF
2003 Steve Smith, G8LMX