
Add a GPS Digital Clock to the
Dave Robinson G4FRE
Robinson G4FRE / WW2R takes advantage of the internal
Motorola GPS receiver inside the Z3801A and has designed
a stand alone digital time and date display that requires
no supporting computer.
A custom PIC controller keeps the parts count low, a double-sided
circuit board makes construction easy, and a NMEA interface
is provided on the rear panel for other applications.
I have owned an HP Z3801A since they started appearing
on the surplus market a couple of years ago. While they
do an excellent job of producing a GPS locked 10 MHz signal,
it was felt they could be made more useful.
As supplied the units are controlled via RS422 through
the 25 pin connector. The interface can easily be changed
to RS232. The control software is supplied by HP is a
custom program called SATSTAT which runs on a PC. This
program is considerably more complex than a terminal emulator.
the GPSCon program also provides this functionality, with
the additional facility to log data, produce trend plots;
even putting them real-time on the internet! With either
program the quality of the 10 MHz lock, number of satellites,
status and time amongst other parameters can be seen,
but it does require a computer. Of the data provided the
most useful information is the valid time. It would therefore
be nice to have a large 6 digit 7 segment on the front
panel with the UTC time, to allow accurate schedule timing.
The lack of an NMEA string output from the Z3801A does
prevent the unit
being used with NMEATIME to lock the shack computer clock
to UTC time.
This is useful for correct timing during WSJT schedules.
It would be nice if the unit could produce a $GPGGA string
with sufficient information for use with NMEATIME and
similar PDA based programs.
technique for providing both of these features is the
subject of this article.
Looking under the PSU board in the Z3801A, it was found
that the GPS board was a Motorola unit with the 10 pin
standard interface. Hooking up pin 8 of the GPS header
via a MAX232 level converter to hyperterminal program
at 9600 Baud showed that the main Z3801A PCB was sending
commands to the GPS unit continually and the board was
responding. The data was Motorola binary format (not ASCII).
Amongst other strings, an "@@Ba" string was produced once
per second. However no definition of this string could
be found in the Motorola binary reference documents to
determine its format. It was found that the closest defined
binary string was the @@Ea where the bytes were arranged
as follows:
ddtntimsdimsdimsdimsdimsdimsdimsdimsds CR LF
m month 1..12
d day 1..31
yy year 1998..2018
h hours 0..23
m minutes 1..31
s seconds 0..60
ffff fractional second 0..999,999,999 (0.0..0.999999999)
t num of satellite tracked 0..8
All the needed information for a clock could be extracted
from this string, and as an added bonus the date was also
available. The number of satellites tracked byte (t) would
be used to determine if the time was OK.
When the Z3801 does a cold start the clock starts at 1/1/98
1200 (bad if the computer sets the clock during this period!)
but it was found by simultaneously using SATSTAT and hyperterminal
that the clock was good when t was 3 or higher.
It was also noted that the time in the @@Ba string was
always UTC, irrespective of whether SATSCAN set it's time
output to GPS or UTC time (currently 13 seconds offset).
microprocessor projects like the Beacon Keyer, Intelligent
Keyer, and DTMF Controller have used PIC microprocessors
from Microchip, so they were used again as the development
tools were available. The facilities offered by these
chips have increased considerably since the original keyer
applications, features such as UARTS, SPI interfaces,
EEPROM; the question was which features were needed.
The next task was to identify suitable displays. No suitably
sized 6 digit displays could be found, so a pair of 3
digit 7 segment plus right hand decimal point multiplexed
displays were located. To drive the 7 segments plus DP
of all 6 digits would require a PIC with 14 output pins
and a lot of processing to do the multiplexing.
After doing a web search a Maxim chip (MAX7219) was discovered
which had an SPI 3 pin interface (thereby only requiring
3 PIC I/O pins) had onboard multiplexing and could drive
up to 8 Common cathode digits. To satisfy the PIC requirements
a 16F628A was chosen. Chips were available that had both
SPI interfaces and onboard UART, which would have been
ideal BUT what you need to dig out from the data sheet
is that both cannot be used together in the same application
as both use the same pins, which cannot be changed.
Hence a cheaper PIC with just an onboard UART was chosen
and the SPI part was done using onboard software (sometimes
called "bit banging"). Flash versions of the chips were
chosen as they can be electrically programmed many times
which is very useful in the development stages. The circuit
diagram is available for download. The associated
component list is shown in Table 1. A spare section of
the RS232 level converter chip was used to buffer the
1PPS output of the GPS board and provide it on the RS232
pin 6, for possible future use.
software was developed in assembler using Microchips MPLAB
IDE version 6.60. The Olimex PIC-ICD2 (obtained from Sparkfun
Electronics) MPLAB compatible in circuit debugger was
used in conjunction with MPLAB IDE to debug the program.
The chips were finally programmed using Microchips PICSTART+,
which had to be upgraded to program these new chips. Maxim
provides an application note on their web site using a
PIC to drive a MAX7219 in a LED display thermometer, which
made writing the SPI interface easier.
The 16F628A has an onboard 4MHz RC clock, which was initially
used to save component count and cost. However it was
discovered, by witnessing corrupted received data that
this clock was not stable enough. Therefore an external
10 MHz crystal clock is used; since this change no further
problems have been encountered.
One software issue that initially caused concern was the
UART Baud rate. The incoming binary data is at 9600 Baud.
However the NMEA data, as per specification is at 4800
Baud. Experimentation revealed that this is not a problem
for the PIC, as the board rate clock for the 16F628A can
be changed while the program is running. The baud rate
is set to 9600, the binary data is read into the PIC and
stored. The baud rate is set to 4800 and the NMEA data
is sent. The process is then repeated.
As the date information is read into the PIC before it
gets to the time information it was decided to have the
option to display the date on the front panel. Date or
time is selected with a SPDT switch with a centre off
position. The third position is used to blank the display.
To save space in the proceedings (program is around 400
lines of assembler), and allow revision control, the final
software will be distributed to interested parties as
a .HEX file to allow the 16F628 to be programmed.
enable the board to be squeezed on the front panel below
the existing LED status board, it would have to be double
sided, with plated through holes. This was beyond my production
capabilities so following the guidance of Paul Wade W1GHZ,
boards were designed and made by Expresspcb. The PCB is
designed using their supplied software, the design is
submitted via the web and the boards arrive 3 days later.
The final board size is 3.75 x 1.75". Both front and rear
views of the assembled PCB are shown below. The two displays
are mounted on one side of the board along with the chip

integrated circuits, electrolytics and crystal are mounted
on the other side, thus allowing the board to be directly
mounted on the front panel. Input signals and power for
the board are extracted from the GPS board by a length
of screened cable soldered directly to the appropriate
The handle on the front panel was removed as it would
obstruct the display. A 175x18mm cut out was made in the
front of the chassis and the front panel, (just large
enough to show the digits). Four 4-40 clearance holes
were made in the chassis (but NOT the front panel) aligning
with the four holes in the PCB and countersunk. The board
was held in place against the front panel with four countersunk
4-40 screws and spacers.
A hole is filed in the back panel for the 9 pin connector
for the NMEA output as shown below. The photograph also
shows the IEC connector for the AC supply for the internal
48V PSU.

The modified front panel is shown below.
the one page schematic 

the Z3801A is powered up all the digits on the display
are blanked except for the right-hand digit which indicates
number of satellites acquired. Three Decimal points will
flash on and off to show that GPS valid data is being
received from the GPS board.
The switch has no effect at this time. When
Three satellites (or more) have been acquired the display
will then show UTC time. Date may be displayed by putting
SW1 in the Date position, or the display blanked by the
other SW1 position.
When the time is invalid an NMEA string of the following
format is output:- $GPGGA,,,,,,0,00,,,,,,, (The "00" changes
to show the number of satellites acquired.)
When the time is valid an NMEA string of the following
format is output.:- $GPGGA,172330.00,,,,,1,05,,,,,,, (The
"1" indicates that the output time is valid.)
minimised GPGGA strings (without checksum) have been found
adequate for correction operation of NMEATIME.
project has achieved all the aims originally set. By slightly
altering the software the same PCB could be used to make
a digital clock from the cheap OEM GPS modules that were
available a few years ago in the Dallas area. This will
be written up at a later date.
Component List
0805 size SMT (DK 311-10.0KCCT)
(increase value to dim display)
18 pin DIL
(DK PIC16F628A-I/P-ND)
24 pin DIL
3 digit common cathode display
18pF crystal HC49US (DK 300-6021)
0805 size SMT (DK 311-1102)
0805 size SMT (DK 490-1666-1)
10V tantalum SMT (DK 399-1563-1)
35V tantalum SMT (DK)
centre off (DK 360-1257-ND)
the schematic 
© 2004 Dave Robinson G4FRE