Periodic Stacking Notes
notes: to ensure fair comparison, all parameters are modeled
in free space and forward gain is expressed in dBi.
establish a single antenna reference, a 13-element (14-30 MHz)
antenna was modeled in free space. The forward gain is 7.15
dBi with a F/B ratio of 26.77 dB.
establish a stacking reference, two identical 13 element (14-30
MHz) log periodics were modeled. Stacking distance is 44-feet
apart. The graphic below shows that forward gain on 14 MHz has
increased to 10.26 dB, for a stacking gain of 3.11 dBi. The
F/B value has degraded to 12.43 dB. This F/B stack degradation
is normal with stacked antennas, and often occurs regardless
of the antenna type. It is possible to stack antennas without
degrading the F/B ratio, but the antennas must be designed from
the outset as a dedicated stacked set.

different antennas were then stacked. The 15-element (10-30
MHz) antenna was placed on the top, with the 13-element (14-30
MHz) antenna spaced 44-feet below.

forward gain and F/B values are essentially the same as stacking
two identical antennas, with forward gain now projected at 10.26
dBi, and F/B at 12.78 dB. To provide an equivalent forward
gain at 14-MHz would require an optimized monoband yagi of five-elements
on a 48-foot boom [1].
file downloads:
stacked 15 and 13 element log periodics in Nittany .NWP format
stacked 15 and 13 element log periodics in *.NEC file format
R. Dean Straw, ed., The ARRL Antenna Book, 18th Ed. (Newington:ARRL,
1997), pg 11-18. Figure 16 illustrates the forward gain of this
optimized yagi to be about 10.5 dBi.